Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Let's Get It Started!

Holtville Happenings
The first Holtville Happenings digital newsletter posted last week! I am super excited about it. Every year, Title I schools send out a parent survey to help evaluate our Title I program. Based on our surveys, our digital newsletter was born! Middle school students are notorious for not giving their parents information (Gasp!), so hopefully the newsletter will help parents stay up to date with everything going on at HMS. So far, we have had 317 views of the newsletter, and I published it last Wednesday! The newsletter can be updated, so I can change dates if I need to do so. You can access our newsletter here by clicking on the link below:
Holtville Happenings April and May 2019

I plan on archiving the newsletters to the Title I page as I tinker with my blog again and get it the way I want it. I have lots of ideas swimming around in this head of mine right now. I'd love to post some videos to help parents know how to help their children at home. Please let me know of subjects you are interested in so we can really start working together to keep HMS the TOP MIDDLE SCHOOL IN THE COUNTY!

Scantron Testing
Today the 5th and 6th grade completed the reading portion of our State Scantron testing. I think HMS did a great job again. One thing that I really like about Scantron is that we have instant access to our scores. Our students did really well today. Tomorrow, our 5th and 6th graders will take the math portion of the Scantron. 7th and 8th grade will begin testing on Thursday, April 25th. 

Google Level 1 Certification
I finished my Google Certification training. I still have to take the test to become certified. I am a little intimidated by the test, to be honest. I learned a lot, and I hope to implement a lot of what I learned into my classroom and our school. Keep checking in to see what all I'm up to!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Oh My Goodness! I am truly embarrassed that I have not posted anything on this blog SINCE August 14, 2016! Whoa. What happened?
Well, what had happened was....
I started grad school (thankfully that is over).
My classroom responsibilities changed a bit.
And then my responsibilities changed again.
I got a little lost in the day to day chaos of Title I, ESL, ELA, PST- lots of acronyms. Gees....

But then....
I decided to participate in Elmore County's Level 1Google Certified Educator's Training, and now I'm super excited to get back to my Techie Goals! I also found this super duper teacher blog, Pink Slip Inspiration, to help me transform my classroom yet again and reach my tech goals!

So, this blog is now UNDER CONSTRUCTION

So, check in regularly! I hope to update this blog weekly (and fix my hair color in the banner)!